Sunday, April 2, 2017

BABY # 4

(Don't read if you don't want to know too much detail)

I started to loose my milk supply while I was nursing Kenna and actually got my period while I was still producing some milk. Well we weren't prepared for that and we were traveling back from California from a away rotation. It was seriously a one time(not using protection) kind of mistake and I got pregnant. In the past it has taken  me months to get pregnant. We kind of joked like oh I hope we don't get pregnant. Well anyways fast forward to a week later and I got a bad migraine. I get them pretty bad when i get pregnant for the first few months. That surprised me and thinking I was pregnant was always in the back of my mind. Then a few weeks later, I missed my period and thought ah its just one day maybe it will come tomorrow. Well tomorrow came and went and then I told Zack and we both were like give it one more day. Well the anxious person I am I went and took a test without telling him. I told him I took it but was too afraid to look at it. In the back of my mind I would love to be pregnant and didn't want to be disappointed if I wasn't since I was convinced I was. Even though it was the worst timing to have another baby I still knew i would be sad if I wasn't. Well I went back and checked and I WAS PREGNANT.  We kind of freaked out a little thinking but we will be moving and all this stress came and we felt bad we felt this way. But we were soon super excited and now are overly excited. We know that heavenly father sent this precious gift to us because he trusts us to raise her in the gospel and to be the best little girl she can be. We are so excited that she's a girl and that Kenna gets to have a best friend only 15 months apart. They will be a year apart in school, which I am super excited for!! 

I keep wanting to write about this pregnancy and then life gets in the way and I totally forget about it or keep putting it off. So while the boys are outside playing I am going to type some updates. I was really sick this time around from 1-17 weeks. I was always tired, getting a lot of migraines and actually throwing up a couple times.(which is not bad compared to some woman, but I was not use to it at all) There was a lot of laying around and not going out those first few months. 

How many weeks? 
22 Weeks
How much weight have you gained?
8 pounds. I am so much bigger then I was with any of the kids. I keep telling myself its because I just had a baby and my uterus didn't have time to get back to normal. Haha (Keep telling myself that right??)
How's the baby's movement? 
This little lady is a kicking machine. I started to feel her at 17 weeks and she has not stopped kicking since. She loves to move all around and is constantly moving. 
Baby Projects? 
I just finished two baby blankets. I made a receiving blanket that she will use in the hospital and then a tie blanket that she will use when she gets older. 
Her name will be Peyton Marie Baxter. Marie is my middle name and it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Pregnancy Discomforts? 
I have had a good amount of heart burn and some pressure but other then that I have been pretty healthy. 
I sleep just fine. But i'm not huge yet so that could be why. 
Favorite part of pregnancy so far?
My favorite part of pregnancy is feeling her kick. This will always be one of my favorite things about being pregnant.  I also love all the kisses that the kiddos give my growing belly. I love this little lady so much already and can't wait for her to join our family in BETHESDA Maryland. Yes we are moving!! Woot Woot!

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