Sunday, December 23, 2018

Lily's Birth Story

As I type this up I cant believe this will be the last birth story I will ever type up that is my own. The night of December 13th I was up which felt like all night going to the bathroom. Lily loved to kick and punch my bladder, which made it hard to sleep at night sometimes. That night I woke up exhausted. I remember thinking I just want to lay on the couch all day. I also got the start of a migraine and started to get blurry eyes. I hurried and took medicine. After I took Tallin to the bus stop I started having a lot of pressure down there. I then texted Zack to tell him that he needs to keep his phone close today because it could be the day. I then turned on the movie on and prayed the kids would sit and watch it so I could get some rest. Well of course that didn’t happen. Around noon Zack called me and told me that he was coming home of the rest of the day. I told him that he didn’t have too but he insisted he did. When he got home I put the girls down for a nap and then went up stairs to try to nap. Well the whole two hours I was trying to nap I was tossing and turning and just could not fall a sleep.  So I got out of bed and decided then I was going to deep clean the house in case anyone had to come watch the kids. I went and scrubbed and cleaned all the bathrooms, picked up all the rooms, got jammies and clothes out for the next morning, vacuumed and just organized the house. Then after the kids were in bed I had a feeling that tonight was going to be the night. Around 10:00 I started having contractions, which were two minutes apart. We called our friend to come over to watch the kids so we could head to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 10:30. The nurse checked me and I was only about a 5. She mentioned that they usually don’t admit moms unless they are a six. That got me so worried. I was already freaking out thinking my water was going to break and I would have no time for an epidural.  I asked to get an epidural as soon as I could if I was to be admitted. Two and a half hours later and a ton of painful contractions later when I was dilated to a 7 they gave me a epidural. The down side was that it didn’t work this time around. I could still feel all of the contractions but couldn’t feel my back or my legs. I remember thinking shoot she is going to have to redo the epidural and I might have to do this last labor naturally. The doctor then came in and broke my water. I mentioned that it was going to go fast after my water broke. The other doctor finally came back and gave me two doses of some kind of medicine in hopes that it would reach my pain. It finally reached my contractions and then my contractions when straight up into my back. I remember thinking that this was the most contraction I have ever felt with all of my kids. My waist down was now numb and I could not feel anything. I remember telling Zack that I didn’t feel good and was really nauseas and something was wrong. My whole body started to shake and I couldn’t get it to stop. I was so scared that something was wrong and I was going to need to get a C-section. He then got me a throw up bag and the nurse went to get me some nausea medicine to help. I then started dry heaving into the bag and then all of a sudden it was pitch black and I remember feeling so relaxed and good. I think woke up and saw a bunch of nurses and the OB in our room staring at me and I was so confused. Zack then told me that I passed out for a couple of seconds. My body was so exhausted and I was so tired from not sleeping much the last couple of days and I remember thinking that was the best couple seconds because I got some sleep. Ha ha Then about ten minutes later the nurse thought to check me and she said oh my goodness your babies head is right there! She ran out to get the doctor and we got lucky because he was right outside our door. They all came running in and hurrying to get everything together. I remember looking at Zack going wait our camera is not set up to record. I don’t have my phone to take any pictures. The doctor then told me to push and I said to him I can’t feel anything to push. Then all of a sudden the baby was out and crying. He said you didn’t even have to push she just came right out. I was so exhausted and shaky that I was so out of it.
            Once Lily was out and born I didn’t really get to hold her they had her on me for a couple of seconds and then just took her away. I was so bummed because in the past I was able to just have baby on me all dirty and I didn’t even care. They weighed and measured her and then finally brought me back to me. Then I had her for maybe ten minutes and they came to check her temperature and they all freaked out because her body temperature was low. They then hurried and got her heated blankets. After about thirty minutes they took her to the heater to try to warm her up. They then took her blood sugar and saw that it was lower then normal. I then had to feed her two bottles and not nurse her because they needed her sugars to rise. After they finally did they let me nurse her but had to keep checking her vitals every 3 to 6 hours. I felt so bad for her, she had so much blood taken the whole time we were in the hospital.

            Zack was able to bring the girls by Friday moring after he dropped the boys off at school. Kenna loved baby lily, but Peyton was not too sure. Then later when the boys got back our neighbor watched the girls and he brought the boys to come bath lily and let me shower. He then left and didn’t come back until he picked me up Saturday afternoon. Right when Zack got to the hospital the fire alarms started going off. He was still outside the hospital with the kids and I got evacuated to the back of the hospital. I guess there was smoke in one part of the hospital that set off the fire alarms. We then got to come back into the hospital maybe after 20 mintues. Once I got there the kids were there and had a lot of engery. I was a little overwhelmed because the kids were bouncing off the walls and I just wanted to snap some cute pictures of the kids with lily in the hospital. But I realized that this birth was just not going to be the same as the other kids and it was okay. We are so thankful that baby lily is home and we are both healthy and thriving.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Kenna's First

Her first walk

First Bath

First time playing in the backyard

April 2017